Thread: Matlab
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Old 07-25-2003, 09:43 PM   #28 (permalink)
slant eyes
Location: cali
so you're saying i should hard code it? or just for the sake of testing purposes.

%Bisection Method

a = 0;
b = 0;
TOL = 0;
N0 = 0;
p = 0;
i = 1;

a = input('Please enter starting endpoint "a" for the Bisection Method');
b = input('Please enter starting endpoint "b" for the Bisection Method');
TOL = input('Please enter desired tolerance for the Bisection Method');
N0 = input('Please enter maximum number of iterations for the Bisection Method');

FA = f(a);

while i <= N0
    p = a + (b - a) / 2;
    FP = f(p);
    if FP = 0 | (b - a) / 2 < TOL;
        disp(sprintf('%5.6f', p);
    else i = i + 1;
        if FA * FP > 0;
            a = p;
            FA = FP;
        else b = p;
disp('Method failed after N0 iterations, N0 =', N0);
for one... you should only say that the method has failed AFTER you are done with the loop. check your logic. I'm not going to do that for you.
i changed it, thanks for pointing that out for me. does that make sense now?

Use a Boolean variable to keep track of whether the SUCCESS conditions have been met. Terminate the loop when you have succesfully done it. probably easier to do in in a WHILE loop in this case.
there is a boolean checking...

if FP = 0 | (b - a) / 2 < TOL;
    disp(sprintf('%5.6f', p);
Store the result as a variable, don't print it out, and make this function output that variable
i thought i was storing it as a variable p, which i do print with the disp(sprintf function...

thanks for your help. oh yeah, does the last function that displays the message using the disp(sprintf make sense? is it wrong?
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