This has been previously discussed in a few threads, but always as a side discussion, not a direct topic.
I'm 5'11", 200 pounds, fairly lean (trying to lose 10 pounds of spare tire around the middle), and just starting to bulk up from a year of dieting and weightlifting. I'm benching about 150, but I've been plateaued there for a while. I've recently (the past month) started taking weightlifting more serious in an effort to break out of the rut I've been in for the last few months, with no real strength gains.
I picked up some creatine to see if that can help me through a plateau. I understand that it can make you overlift, so I'll be careful to watch my sets and grow at a reasonable level. I also understand that the benefits to it can be temporary if I stop taking it, but I'm willing to try out one jar of it and see what happens.
So I started loading up today on it according to the package directions. Does anyone have any advice positive or negative on their creatine experience?