Missed Smackdown!! Oops!!
But after reading the synopsis (aka spoilers) I found out that I didn't miss too much, except a V1 Hardy match (dammit!!)
Other news:
"WWE has expressed some interest in signing NWA-TNA stars Low Ki and The Amazing Red."
Woo!! Low Ki has a great reputation, based on what I have read and heard about. It would be great to see him in the ring with the other great technical wrestlers.
Amazing Red = Another High Flyer. Don't be put off that he does the 619, and calls it the 718. Mysterio says that he is proud to be emulated. Heck, we might as well need a High-Flyers belt just to keep up with all the... high flyers. (bad joke. don't need another belt. Ten is plenty.)
2 Heavyweight Champs
2 US Title/Intercontinental Title Champs
4 Tag Team Champs
1 Cruiserweight Champ
1 Womans Champ