I'm just concerned about the fact that these scare tactics are working. I got half a dozen emails when this was first announced from friends of mine who promptly turned off uploads in Kazaa. We're doing exactly what the RIAA wants and if people stop sharing, then they have won. Personally, I used to only share my recent downloads 'bout 500MB (mostly pr0n). Soon as I heard about these lawsuits, I shared all of my MP3's, which include rips of the roughly 200 CD's I've bought over the years.
I don't want the **AA to win this round. Stick it to the legal bullies and share. (especially if you are outside of US jurisdiction, stick it to the ***of America organizations. Worst case is they pull a Skylarov on you, but that's pretty damned unlikely seeing has there have been no arrests for mp3 piracy yet.)