College admission staffs will usually be able to figure out the GPA thing.
I disagree about the ACT/SAT only being good at showing who's skilled at guessing the best. They are designed to test what students should have learned, though often haven't.
For completely stupid tests, consider that LSAT (Law School Admission Test). It basically forces the law-school-bound crowd to play logic games for half a day. It has nothing to do with the ability to practice law, but rather tests one's ability to figure stuff out.....just a bunch of brain teasers. I hated it, thought it was silly, but did well because I needed to do well in order to gain admission to the school of my choice.
The college application and admission process is just the beginning of your exposure to a world filled with inane tests, although future ones are taken daily (i.e., playing the office place "game") as you try to make your boss happy.