Not that I've provided any of the advice, but you're welcome!
Anyway, I can't say I'm of the fairer gender, but I feel compelled to present my point of view.
I used to have mild acne on my back -- probably due to teenage stress and lifestyle -- and none of my girlfriends ever minded. You've got to remember that unless you're with a girl who's completely out of phase with reality, she's probably just as concerned about her body image as you are about yours. Chances are, if you're willing to forgive her love handles, or freckles, or mole, or whatever imperfection she's always hated, she'll live with your acne and hair.
Also, ever tried a loofa? It helps exfoliate skin, which clears away the grit and stuff that clogs pores and causes acne. Certainly worth a try if you haven't.