I got an ABS also, and it was
alot cheaper for the same options. I am very pleased with it so far (and I usually build my own, so I am pretty picky). They benchmarked one is this monthes PC Gamer, and it did just as well as a system last month that was twice the price. If you give any thought to one of the suggestions besides the main 4, check out
www.resellerratings.com to make sure they are decent. Good luck and happy hunting.
P.S. This maybe an isolated incedent, but we got 10 new dells at work, and 3 were DOA. Sucked pretty hard. Also, compaq maybe better now, but last one I had pissed me off bad. Power supply went out, and they wanted $110 for a part that normally cost $30. And it was proprietary, so I either bought that one or trashed the comp
