laptop overheating issue?
I got a sony vaio Pentium 2.0ghz, computer with win xp pro on it, it has a radeon 7500c mobility 32mb videocard. The problem is that the processor and videocard create a lot of heat inside the machine thus causing my machine to shutdown unexpectedly. I contacted Sony, once before and their best advice was to put my notebook on a hard surface which i do and they once showed me ultimately how to restart the power options. Since then it still shutdowns automatically and the underside of the laptop gets very hot very quickly. The longest I can use it is for 2 hours, before it dies on me. I have tried a notebook fan which connects to a usb plug and the fan essentially sits under the notebook, but even this product has failed. Does anyone have any ideas how I can solve this problem? Some product I can use that has great results? Any help will be appreciated.