As a long-time SW fan, (gee R2Geek, anyone?)...
I'll agree that EP4 and 5 had heart. You cared about the characters. Big time. Great dialogue, quotable one-liners, etc. ROTJ started a downhill slide into pandering to a childhood audience... Ewoks beating garrisons of Stormtroopers? Puh-leeze! and the overly foamy muppet-like Jabba palace/band) The fight between Luke and Vader at the end and Vader's redemption saved the film.
Flash forward 15 years or so... Episode 1. EVERYONE had major expectations because of the nostalgia, and that the trilogy was virtually deified by so many. Including me. But man, it sucked. I've tried so many times to watch it, to pull the good from it. To go in again with a more open mind. Jar Jar was the single most insipid bit of pandering to the Home Alone crowd Ive ever seen. Jake Lloyd as Anakin was so wooden you could see the marionette strings. The dialogue was poor, the battle droids were as scary as the robot from Rip Tide (how's that for an obscure 80's TV reference?) and Anakin just "happening" to send the fighter into orbit, join a dogfight (and not be killed), and OOPS! I FIRED A SHOT INTO THE REACTOR OF THE CONTROL SHIP! DID I DO THAT??? I mean, I half expected Urkel to high five him.
Episode II redeemed the prequels for me in many ways. More serious tone, more story, more fighting, more darkness. The dialogue still needed help, and there was little chemistry between the characters, at least nothing like there was in episodes 4 & 5.
But still, I'm holding on for Episode 3. Anakin's fall to the darkside, fight with ObiWan, Chewie, Mon Mothma's introduction, the beginnings of the Death Star. Man. I just hope it's as good as Ep 2, but I'm secretly hoping that it will blow me away.
Last edited by r2geek; 07-24-2003 at 12:42 PM..