Offbeat - AFP
Teachers of failed students cow-charged into confession
Wed Jul 23, 1:10 PM ET
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CALCUTTA (AFP) - Parents of girls who flunked their college admission exams barged into an Indian village school with cows meant to represent the low-performing teachers, witnesses said.
Eight cows were herded Tuesday into the ground floor of the secondary school at Taherpur, 75 kilometers (45 miles) north of Calcutta, with signs hanging from their necks reading "This is a cowshed" and "We will teach here."
Assistant headmaster Rita Bhattacharjee said parents of all 28 girls who failed the tests showed up to berate the teachers. Encircled by cows, administrators came clean and admitted the school lacked the required number of instructors.
On hearing the confession, the parents responded by jeering -- and mooing like their cows.
Jhantu Das, whose daughter learned last week she failed the exam, said the parents took out the unorthodox protest as officials who are supposed to supervise schools did not seem to care.
"The politicians aren't bothered at all with schools in rural districts," Das said.
Bhattacharjee said the school had been certified by education authorities in 2000.
the above was just too damned odd to
not post... stupid parents