I'm torn. On one hand, people have worked hard to produce these goods, and should be compensated in some way. On the other hand, most of these people are greedy bastards and are screwing consumers. I know theft will probably just drive the prices up, but somehow I can't bring myself to care when it's a matter of shelling out hundreds of dollars for software that'll be obsolete in a month.
The RIAA is grasping at straws. I have no objection to paying artists for their work, but I'll be damned if I'm going to pay $20 for a CD I may or may not like, $19 (at least) of which goes to the record company and not to the artist. They've gotten greedy and now they are going to pay unless they can come up with a more flexible and reasonable distribution system. I'd love to see the artists take control of their own production and distribution. You don't need the huge infrastructure that you used to in the pre-digital days - all you really need is a decent server and some advertising.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France