What is terrible is that without the minimum wage people you wouldn't be making the money you are. Without them in your mailroom, in your data entry department, keeping up your lawn and landscaping so your business looks nice and attracts customers, without the cashier ringing people up and selling your goods, you would not be making the money you are. Yet, you will not pay them enough to survive and try to take away their government funding. Who are you to say that someone who does not have the skills to get a high paying job should not be allowed to have kids and be able to support them?
What is so wrong with giving back to the country that made you what you are?
What would you rather do? Fund a project to feed, care for, and shelter our homeless and elderly or let them die in the streets and step over the bodies on your way to work? What will you tell your children when they ask why you have so much and someone else has so little? What is the reason you cannot spare some for the good of someone who has none?
You will never convince me that it is better to let someone who will not or can not help themselves die, rather than provide basic human needs for them.
I urge you to visit your local homeless shelter or soup kitchen and get to know some of the people you think do not deserve your help. Find out what put them where they are and how hard it is to get out of that situation. Go visit some single mothers and tell them that they put themselves in that situation and they should not get help from the government. No one told them to have kids. No one made the father leave and not help out. No one made it so day care cost more than buying a new car.
I am sure you made all the decisions correctly to make your life as well as you want it to be. I am sure you did it all without help from anyone. Some people are not that lucky and for those people there should be social programs designed to help down on their luck people get back on their feet. In order for those programs to work there cannot be such a drastic stretch between the classes.
Did you know that the top 1% in this country make as much as the rest of us combined? That is a lot of money that they could never spend in 100 lifetimes. You don't think some of that could or should go to help people in need?
-edited some gramatic issues-
Last edited by Darkblack; 07-24-2003 at 07:17 AM..