Buying software does not make it yours to do what you please with it. The "i bought it, it's mine... etc.. " mentallity doesnt fly with most software. When you buy software, you are buying the license to use that software. It is not yours to do with as you please. Read you license agreement (EULA) before you hit next or install. As for the people who say they pirate software because they cant afford it..this statement doesnt make sense. I cant afford a BMW M3 but i want one. I am not going to go steal one from bmw. I will work to get it. I know most college students are poor, and that software, music, movies are easily accessible but does downloading, copying without paying make it right?. If you dont want to pay for something dont buy it. If you are sick of the prices of things then boycott them If enough people stop purchasing overpriced goods then the companies would really start to sweat and maybe rethink their pricing structure.
As what was said before. Dont like to give M$ money for an OS or office suite, use a BSD, or a linux variant.