Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
No Episode 7, at least not in his lifetime. However he is planning to remake the Original Trilogy via CG in 2017 to reflect his true vision of Star Wars, make the characters look like how he imagined them, not like the actors who played them and such.
That is the stupidest and most insulting thing i've ever heard! How would you like to be Cari Fisher or Harrison Ford and hear that?!
I think this guy is cracked. Ep2 was better than Ep1, that is true. But I really think GL needs to stop after Ep3 and give the reigns to someone else to direct the Zahn trilogy or the NJO books.
And as for waxing nostalgic, the OT has one very important thing that this trilogy doesn't have so far, heart. We cared for Han and Leia and Luke and Chewie. I don't care at all about Anakin or Padme or really anyone but Yoda and Obi. The prequels aren't fun, they're forced fun as shown by all the groaning one liners that 3P0 crammed down our throats.