I did a search in this forum to see if this topic had been brought up already.. and I don't think it has.
In another thread someone said how they get bored with porn and don't look at it as much for a while. They thought other people may get bored with (I guess "normal") porn and go onto another "level" of violent/abusive stuff. This got me thinking. Do you see porn in levels? I know there's softcore porn and hardcore porn, but I mean besides that. Do you see something with toys as being on a higher or lower level than normal penetration? Is violent/abusive (Bondage is what I'm thinking of that as) on a different "level" to say, a threesome?
The way I see it, porn has the hardcore and softcore levels, and everything is in one of those two levels. Bondage vs. Toys vs. "normal" stuff is just different types, not on different levels. What other views/opinions are out there?
Oh, where I read the original bit was at: