Ok...so let's review your options here messy. You can:
1.) Invite her to help you find a differnt cat as suggested by Mill. (I don't see why it wouldn't work)
2.) Use Humor as suggested by Zipperhead (hey...it'll be a good story for the bar)
3.) Sexually harass her as suggested by ScrubO (Usually only works at clubs)
4.) Try for the sympathy role (Woman fall for this, yet i feel bad using this approach)
5.) Be a Prick as suggested by Garbalo69 (I don't like cats personally, i say put it to sleep)
My suggestion is to first get her name, say you feel bad about having to put the cat down (don't go overboard with it). Eye contact and a sincere smile is a must. Shift your conversation away from the cat onto her. Give her a compliment. Find out about her single status and get her digits. You don't have to ask if she's single flat out...there are ways around that to find out quite easily. Be direct about asking for her number. At least you'll have tried if nothing else.
Let us know how it works out.