Originally posted by asdf1001
my advice ... when there's a chance of making a mistake: ask yourself would I rather look back and wish I HAD tried it or NOT TRIED it???
Unforunately this particular tidbit fails to take into account that had you not tried it, you wouldn't know what it was like.
As for my advice, ignore all the people saying "OMG DRUGS ARE BAD DONT TAKE THEM YOU MORON!!!@!112". Well, scratch that. Don't ignore them. Note their opinions, and add them into your mix when you're doing your own research and deciding for yourself what to do. Personally I think it's wonderful that you are considering some experimentation, as it seems to indicate that you are tired of having all the BS (as noted above) pushed down your throat. My advice would be to visit erowid as noted previously. Erowid is a wonderful resource, and can help you with many if not all of your drug-related questions.
Above all, know what you're dealing with. Don't take anything just because someone says "hey man, eat this" and hands you a pill. When experimenting with psychedelics, do it in a happy, safe environment, such as your living room, with a friend or two who have experience with what you're doing.
Take it easy, and everything will work out. You aren't going to have sudden urges to run out in traffic or jump out the window or stare at the sun until you go blind.