Completely shaved, I actually used Nair once, just because I wanted it to be super smooth without having to wait a day for the puffiness to go down, doesn't work very well, and you're not supposed to do it if you read the bottle (which I did, and ignored *smirks*)
Jaiddin shaves his pubic hair for me, shaft and balls too, he just has a small patch around the base. We have a deal that if I'm going to be silky smooth, he is the same for me too. It just feels amazing all slick with sex too. The more you shave, the more you get used to it, and the more often you do it (every couple days here) the less there is to itch because you're getting rid of the new growth as soon as it shows up. It's when you let it grow back that the itching like hell shows up.
If you decide to lose it all, first time, go with the direction your hair grows. Then when it starts to grow back in, go crosswise, not directly against... and then after a few times of that, you can start to go against the grain, BUT pull the skin tight! It makes it a much smoother shave and gives you less chance of nicks and ingrown hairs, and yes, use a new razor everytime. Don't use the one you've been shaving your legs and armpits with. Get a fresh one, it makes life so much easier and less painful.
Last edited by Xapphire; 04-23-2003 at 08:59 AM..