Marky, when you pull your skin back it hurts? That doesn't sound good. You need to stretch that puppy out. I could understand if you were 8, but at your age it sounds odd. Seriously, you need to flog the dolphin more to stretch it out or see a doctor. Maybe you have inflammation or a mild infection. Use triple antibiotic ointment in petroleum jelly base (like neosporin) for your personal jack lube every day, and it may fix inflammation. Don't have this on your Johnson when you visit nancy or you could mess up her delicate biotic balance in there. If you are afraid of "coming off" too quickly with her, then jack off before you go to see her - just like in the movie "there's something about mary". It really works. Plus you will have a condom on so you won't be as sensitive. You should try what I say and if still hurts see a doc because it shouldn't hurt dude.