Some part of my psyche will always relate to San Diego as "home" and I have a deep sense of that when I visit there these days. A deep sigh when I breathe the air there - it stirs something in me that's been ingrained some I was born.
But... Pasadena, where I live now, has felt like Home for a long time now. When I first spent any length of time here, it just felt like home instantly and still does. I'm just comfortable here and I actively appreciate it on a regular basis. Take a deep breath, look around and think, "yeahhhhhhhh... this is the place."
Vancouver, BC, could be such a place for me if I ever ended up there. It has definitely had that feel the three or four times I've been there. Whomever said they grew up in Burnaby, I'm jealous of you. =) I had the best meal of my life at the 10th St. Bistro in Burnaby... cool town.
"take me down, little *Susie*, take me down
I know you think you're the Queen of The Underground"