Well, my standard bar drink is pitchers of Alexander Keith's, failing that, I'll take Canadian. I'm a big fan of Leffe and Stella Artois as well.
I drink wine with almost any meal I spend more than 45 mins. cooking, which is 2-3 times a week. I prefer reds, especially higher-end Pinot Noir, but if a white is more fitting, I'll get that, I've recently somewhat gotten over my prejudice of Chardonnay.
I'll also crack open a bottle or two of Champagne with friends once in a while and we'll all pretend we're billionaires.
I've just started drinking scotch and whisky... well, y'know for the taste, it's also a great way to get tight without having an uppity bladder.
Warm Hakutsuru sake is also a good thing, kampai!
I've only had Absinthe twice, but I've been doing a little research into ordering some online. Has anyone ever ordered any off the 'net? Did it do what it's supposed to or was it just 140 proof sambuca and green food coloring?
Grappa... that shit's fucked up. My Dad's neighbour made some and gave him some, which we tried, I spat most of mine out (I was only 19, and had just gotten the hang of regular hard liquor), and I shit you not, it killed the grass, I caught a decent buzz just from having it in my mouth, I'd like to go another round with it just to see if I can stomach it yet.
Saw some stuff in the liquor store today from Lebanon called Arak Liquor. Anyone know what it is? It's 100 proof, so it can't be bad, right?