Originally posted by Jaron
Sounds like we have a bunch of fatalists here. At least in a sense... in the "better the evil you know" crowd, and the "don't want to alter history" sense.
What if, as a hypothetical situation, someone had already done so? Say Billy the Kid should've been elected as president of the US, but someone shot him before he could get around to it? Or some other random unknown? Would it really be so bad? If it were so bad, would you know? Would you care? Would it matter?
It's an interesting thought experiment, but a little pointless unless you have a personal vendetta against an individual, or want to speculate about how the world would be different due to a particular person's absence, and I don't think I have the kind of historical knowledge to speculate intelligently, particularly given the ripple effect. I mean, come on. Everyone's going to pick Hitler, anyhow, aren't they?