RurouniKenshin: actually, it has been said a few times that he indeed *had* selfesteem trouble before, and becoming the target of mockery from an entire school, is not a fact of life... It's downright crippling. Imagine the worst time you ever had with people continuously mocking and making fun of you. That's what, 20 people, maybe 30. Now imagine having a whole school doing this, which even for small schools will go well over 1000 people (here at least). If half of those do it, you've got 500 people mocking you, on a daily basis. And if ever it would die down, there's always the next idiot with half a brain who considers himself original because he added new sound, or new effects to continue on and on and on.
Combine those two things, and I can completely understand why he could have broken down. And I also understand that his parents would sue over this. Those 4 kids, like it or not, were the direct cause of his condition (whether he would have ended up there eventually is another matter). And they were the direct cause of all the extra expenses his parents now have to pay.
So yes, I understand his parents POV completely.
Also, the iPod was a nice gesture, but rather pointless, they could have just sent the money, or something useful.
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