I do like Psychology, they have some intresting points, but if a person feels that he cannot help himself, there there is certenily no one else out there that will be able to do it. I bet you that before you fall asleep you think of this and even come up with some answers to your own queastions.
Shrinks are just a waist of time and money, they only know whats been told by the books, but you know what? You can actually figure it out yourself and I think it is ther best way, becasye what a shrink tells you to do or he gives you some sort of an answer, you will hear it, but you wont fully understand it, the best way to understand it, is to figure it out yourself.
People have the tendency this days to seek for the "Perfect" life, but life is only like passages, sometimes its good, sometimes its bad, otherwise we wouldnt learn anything, then what would be the point of living?