I think people just need to step back and back up out of the box. Take a look at things from a different angle.
When Bush got elected, and really, I know I have said this before but I want to reiterate, THIS DEVISTATED ME! I was actually afraid for our country. I still am to a point. When we went to war I was pissed. I still do not think Iraq had to happen when it did. I think it was for profit and nothing more. I attended 3 peace marches in DC and wrote a dozen letters to people I thought should hear my opinion. I got to the point that I hated patriotism and the flag represented something I did not want to be a part of. I was being called a communist, unpatriotic, bleeding heart (which honestly I don't take offense too, I take more offense that people think this is a bad thing), and I was told to go move to Iraq.
That triggered a change in me and I stepped back and thought about everything. I live in this county and I love this country. Why? Because everything I stand for, I am aloud to stand for in this country. I am a patriot. I prove that I am a patriot every time I attend a rally or march and every time I send a letter to my congressman stating my opinion.
I think these people need to remember what that flag is meant to stand for. Yes this country was founded on some messed up things. We obliterated a race, enslaved another, and to this day we continue to handle some things improperly. BUT, we are free to voice our opinion and try and change things we think are wrong.
I think people need to pick their battles more wisely.
Sorry for rambling on....