Dunno where everyone stands on this, but i absolutely loved "Punch Drunk Love". PT Anderson being one of my favorite directors, i saw it immediately upon release dispite horrid user reviews, and mixed critical review..
COMPLETELY new take on romance genre as we know it. Adam Sandler was stunning playing in one of his more serious roles, and it was nice to see he could include at least some of his schtick in the film, but with some meaning behind the actions. Might be for the younger generations, anyone I know whos 30 or above thats seen it, hated it.
Another that was completely panned, was Basic. It seemed the critics, check rottentomatoes and youll see, just couldnt understand it. Upon seeing it the first time i was in the same boat, but with a funny sense of satisfaction after being completely confused
second time around, if you really try at it, all the puzzle pieces fit together, even if the movie wasnt quite as flowing as it could have been.