Okay to summarise your problem. You have a body in 7 pieces, I'm assuming they are relatively small as you don't seem weird enough to hire fat hookers. You can't leave the house and you can't use acid from the garden. So the only really option is burial. It's not ideal, go into the basement and dig down about 4 foot. Any more than that and it's a waste of effort. Bury the body parts then re-concrete the floor. At this point place all the clothes and utensils you used in the furnace. The heat will remove all traces of bood and dna from the breadknife which can then be thrown as normal. As for the bathroom get a sprak gun and spray then entire bathroom with bleach. This will get rid of the majority of your problems.
You will then need to sell your house and move, I hear Liberia has a pretty liberal killing laws at the moment, you may be welcome there.