I don't know how to put some of the stupidity I have done. I don't know what to call them so i will just let you be the judge of it.
The First one, my cousin is scared shitless of anything. So we were watching the other...which is just a lame movie. and at the most suspenseful point, i creep outside and wrap on the windows...she almost had a heart attack, and then tried to kill me on the front lawn.
The second one, I was with some friends upstate, and it gets really foggy there, we were sitting on the fence...drunk...and chucking little spikey balls at cars. Yea it was stupid which I now realize and no one got hurt. But it was funny to see the car hit their brakes.
The third one, we were driving around shooting off bottle rockets, and one misfired hitting a truck. This truck started following us and we ducked into a neighborhood. Unfortunately, the truck knew the neighborhood and met us on the other side. And these big guys are waiting for us. My friend throws it in reverse and hauls ass out of neighborhood while these marine sized guys are chasing us down. Something else I will never do.
Th last one Number 4, We had one of those 150 yard water balloon launchers and we were launching this water ballons hitting a major road. My friend got the bright idea to launch fruit. Long story short one of the peaches hit a car window....
If something seems too good to be true, then it probably is....