I work in TV news...so I've seen a lot of bad accidents.
1) Corvette vs. Cement mixer. I remember this was about 2 months into the job. I was shooting the shit with one of the cops at the scene. I told him that I heard it was a single fatality on the scanner, so why are there two bags. He looked at me and said, "Well just cause there's one fatal...don't mean he's in one piece."
2) Convertable vs. Alligator Ally. It's a long stretch of hihway between Naples, Fl. and Boca Raton. Anyway some guy flipped his convertable. I remember shooting the scene from a chopper. Long red streak that ended where the car stopped.
3) Chevy Cavalier vs. Greyhound (bus not dog). This one was realllly bad. It was on a two lane highway and someone crossed the center line. I got to the scene and was about 10 feet from the car, and I could smell blood. The car was so badly damaged they left the body in it when they towed it.
4)Boater vs. his boat. Guy lost his balance when his boat hit a wake. He went over and got hit by his own prop. Again one fatality...two bags.
That's all I can think of right now, but I'm tired. And all the accidents seem to blend together.