Okay everybody, no need to start a riot
My rhymes'll sparkle, while yours'll fizzle like Sprite.
I wanna start things off, ya know; get to know one-anotha
I know all I need to know about Bones, he raps like one white-ass brotha!
Fair warning: We're Mortals Kombating and there'll be a fatality
Let it be known I'll have a flawless victory and THAT'S true reality.
Louie Anderson just farted, but you can't smell it hardly
'Cuz Bones's rhymes are stinkin' like a sweaty Chris Farley!
Bones, actin' like he's some regular rap super-star
Now I'm here to deflate his ego, and leave a mental scar.
Hey Generic-Snoop, I just left ya like dead meat
Lord know I just shredded into ya like you were frosted wheat.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit."