Originally posted by Dragonlich
Now, it does say 50%, but of *what* exactly? Not of the GNP anyway, which is some $6737.0 billion (<a href="http://www.unep.ch/islands/CTT.htm">http://www.unep.ch/islands/CTT.htm</a>). A quick calculation shows that military spending is about 5% of the US GNP, which is high, but not excessive given the size of the US military, and the many things it does around the world. (Oh, and it's not 50% of your tax dollars either - the total 2002 budget spending is some 2,011 billion dollars.)
Actually I believe a little under 3% of our GNP was spent on the US military in ~2002. During the cold war, 10% of our GNP was spent on the US military.