As much as JR annoys me, at he has chemistry with The King. The Lawler/Coach team consists of Coach saying something stupid and Lawler telling Coach that he's not JR.
Looks like the entire buildup to a Goldberg/HHH Summerslam match goes as follows :
HHH - "I-uh am-uh the game-uh"
Goldberg - "You're next"
Here's how the Summerslam match will go :
Spear-Jackhammer by Goldberg, HHH no-sells. Goldberg's out of moves and HHH hits the 'Pedigree out of Nowhere' for the win.
RAW has about a month to make it look like Goldberg has a chance, which he doesn't. And HHH will cement his status as "The greatest-uh of-uh all time-uh"
The best part of RAW was that it was Kevin Nash-free.
I was disappointed by the HBK-Y2J match, but I'm glad to see Jericho get the win over Michaels that he should have gotten at Wrestlemania. I'm guessing this'll just set up Orton-Michaels at Summerslam.