Originally posted by seretogis
Using a firearm against an intruder should always, of course, be a last resort and I think is seen as so by most responsible gun owners. I'm interested in hearing how you would deal with someone that breaks into your house with the intent of raping your wife and stealing her jewelery after stabbing her to death. Talk him out of it, like two rational adults?
When I said I hope you never have to use your gun against another human, I meant it, not just for the other human being, but for you, too. Did you read my post at all, or just kneejerk at the sight of my name? The passages in the book I mentioned certainly demonstrated the exegencies of using a gun to solve an otherwise intractable problem. I'm sick of fucking arguing about gun control. You are happier having made your choice about guns, and I about mine. So are you really fucking interested in hearing how I would talk him down, or do you just want to see my wife raped and then stabbed to death?