Here it is:
HI, Batjew here. Okay I'm going to assume you don't have a basement with a lime pit, dogs, walk-in freezer, industrial meat grinder or fishing boar with access to the ocean. Your best bet is to bleed them out in the shower (hopefully your shower curtain rod is strong enough that you can tie them up one at a time by their feet), and then use whatever large cutting devices you might have. As long as they're bled out it won't really matter too much, but the cleaner the cuts the better. You don't want too many little hooker bits laying around. Anyways, cut them up into chunks no more than 5-10lbs each. Let me remind you that barring a basement with a drain or lime pit your best place to be doing all of this is still your everyday bathtub. With these chunks in the bathtub, run the water a bit to get any additional gunky hooker fluids out.
NOW! Time for the hefty garbage bags! VERY VERY IMPORTANT: Don't go overboard and stuff too much hooker in any single bag! Go to Costco if you have to and buy the bags in bulk! Be sure to mix and match. ALSO: Batjew Fun Fact! Sprinkle liberal amounts of sawdust and OXICLEAN in the bags to soak up any remains drips! Don't want any extra stinky flesh to draw too much attention after all. OK! You'll probably need to make a few trips but don't worry! You should be able to dump everything before it stinks too bad. Your best bet is dumpsters behind large bookstores! No one suspects heavy bags, and most importantly BUMS DON'T GO DIVING FOR FOOD IN THEM. Consider yourself lucky that it was just some hookers! No one ever looks for hookers and even if someone does they never look very hard.
Love, Luck & Lollipops! Batjew