I'm running a marathon at the Grand Canyon the weekend before, so the timing isn't ideal - I'll stay on the fence for now but for the record, I'll
always lean towards 'yes' when Las Vegas is involved. Too bad we sold the house in Henderson. (sigh)
Gotta stay on the Strip. Just gotta. And if we're meeting at Rio, Voodoo Lounge is the shiznit. The Pink Taco in the back of Hard Rock is a cool hang, too. For that matter, let's all just stay at the Hard Rock and meet out at the pool. That place definitely has a TFP vibe going for it... hahaha.
I know a shooting range not far off the Strip that has automatic weapons. All kinds of fun for those so inclined.
Don't miss "death by meat" at Yolie's at least one night.
Find the secluded bar at the top of the Venetian and win a prize... every friggin' time.
Don't forget to take home a skull mug from the 'Island... yarrr!
"If they ever come up with a swashbuckling School, I think one of the courses should be Laughing, Then Jumping Off Something."
- Jack Handey