chavos: Did you ever read about Kant's solution to such moral questions? He manages to find a logical and non-religious way of determining what is good and bad, and is able to show that these values are indeed absolute.
Or what about the humanist idea: do to others what you would want them to do to you (sort of)... this leads to a rather clear and absolute morality: I do not want to be murdered, so murder is wrong; I do not want to be lied to, so lying is wrong; etc.
It is clear that there are indeed absolute moral systems without a God. Hell, even the Buddhists have a moral system, and they do not worship any God. Morality is what you and your culture make of it. I suppose one might say that a well-written system of laws is in fact a way of describing what is good and what is bad; i.e. it's a moral system, and it can be interpreted as an absolute system if you follow the letter of the law.