Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Originally posted by papermachesatan
genocide is always cool. I've got a question though: you're better than the terrorists, why?
I'm better cause I'm not some pussy who thinks that playing their own game is mean... boo fucking hoo. These are people that would love to get their hands on you, and kill you for no other reason then you are a (I'm assuming) a white (christian?) westerner. Beat them at their own game, eliminate them.
I'm sure all those people would like to get their hands on me. Especially the innocent people simply living out their lives, the innocent little boys and girls, etc. Not liking us, protesting agaisnt us, etc. does not make them guilty combatants.
The terrorists target innocent civilians directly, just as you're now suggesting that we do. You hypocrite. You're as much a coward as the guy strapping dynamite to his chest.