hello i do not feel the need to post at all but i want to, anyway i have never posted in forum before and am not sure what to say knowing that whatever i say will be interpreted in whatever way. i suppose that is quite obvious , but i dont like the world too much these days and have resigned myself to thinking thats quite normal. Supposedly you should take what you can get and not bother about people below you think, or above you for that matter, you should basically just get on with it. what i want to know is to what end am i supposed to go , what is it i am supposed to acheive, should i try to emulate what i see around me ,, in which case , put on the telly and act like an arse. i have plenty of practice in this

. anyway its not so difficult to post a message to the big wide world and i dont relly care if i get a response (excuse the speeling ) but where do i have to go to be heard. i dont feel like hi-jacking a plane to crash into builings to be noticed, ahem. I was going to end there but reading back i seems quite sinistar to end there i am not a loony , just a bit frustrated.