Originally posted by Neo26
Truth to tell, athiests and non-Christians do this every bit as much as Christians do.
There is a big difference between how an atheist will argue,a dna christian will. An atheist is only going to argue to point for purposes of a debate.
A "militant atheist" does not really care what you believe or don't believe. If you don't want to talk about religion, then he's not going to "force" you to convert. If he still won't let up, just say "OK, you win. believing in God is silly and ilogical, but I'm still going to do it anyway" and he will walk away. He just wants to know that he has "won" the debate. These sort of people will actually demand to be correct about everything, not just religion. It is not a quality of atheists that causes this before, just the competitive personality of the individual.
On the other hand, Christains trying to "save" you IS a quality of religion. And they will force a debate, whether you are interested or not.