Thread: Gun Control
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Old 07-21-2003, 10:27 AM   #29 (permalink)
Getting it.
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Location: Lion City
Originally posted by sportsrule101
Those of criminal intent, and with criminal mindsets will always be able to get weapons legal or otherwise. We have constitutional rights to protect ourselves against these type's. If you ban guns only those who want to cause havic will have them. The police force can only do so much.
I've heard all this before... I get it.

From my view point all I see is that more guns (even in the hands of the responsible) just add to the problem... a proliferation of weapons.

I don't see that they are needed. Yes, bad people will get guns. However, if there were fewer guns to get... think about.

I truly believe that violence begets violence. Guns are a symbol of violence (if you don't agree show me that it is otherwise) and as such simply add fuel to the fire.

(again I am talking about guns that are really made for the sole purpose of killing people)
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