What are they?
first - Having unhealthy (handicapped) children......Everytime I look back at how I made fun of the Special Education class in school I cringe. Having a cousin that is confined to a wheelchair for his whole life that I have seen grow up but have never seen sit still or speak or look at me for more than a split second really really instilled the fear of karma in me.
b - Losing someone I care about.....I know its a part of life, but damn, its a shitty part. I was like a 8 year old boy when I had to put my first cat to sleep a few weeks ago. I still get a little teary every now and then when I think about it. It makes me wonder how it will be if anything happens to the rest of my family or my friends.
3 - Dying a horrible painful death .... Drowning, Fire, Cancer....all of these scare the bejesus out of me.