Originally posted by lurkette
Do businesses in Canada have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason? And what if it wasn't a printer, but say, a restaurant (Denny's anyone?) or a hotel that refused service?
I've been thinking about this for a long time now and I still can't think of an answer. For the record, I'm a member of a number of minorities(half asian, bisexual, anarchist, atheist, intelligent), yet I'm on the side of the printer in this case. But what if it was a cab driver driving a gay couple on their date. Should he be able to refuse them on the grounds that by driving them to their date that he is promoting homosexual activity? What about the restaurant that they want to eat at? It too could be seen as promoting gay activity. Should they be able to deny service on moral grounds?
Should the boy scouts, whom I agree with, be any differant than a private business? They hire people and they sell products(cookies?). Because they are non for profit should they gain the ability to descriminate in their hiring practices?
The basic thing that is comes down to is this: should a private association be forced to accociate with those that it sees as against their beliefs, whether they be black, GLBT, or redhaired? On this, I have no opinion at the moment.