Originally posted by KeyserSoze
The Liberty suspension sucks, sorry but it does. The room in the back is unfuckingcomfortable for passangers.
Hmm. I love my Liberty. Never noticed any issues with the suspension, but then I don't go rock hopping either. As for back seat room, no complaints there either, and I am often the one driving when my office mates and I go to lunch. These guys (six foot and over) would bitch if given a reason.
I spent a long time comparing the Liberty with the Rav4, Xterra and Escape before I bought. Each one had something I liked, but the Liberty came up with more in the plus column for me.
I bought it mainly for driving in NY winters. It was tested well last winter, and came through with flying colors. I've had it for about 10 months now and really have no complaints.