Originally posted by geep
Tell me more about contradicting morals- name some.
For almost two centuries non-white males were prohibited from voting in this country. Currently in almost every state in the Union homosexuals are prohibited from getting married. It was only rescently that the Supreme Court ruled that laws banning sodomy were unconstitutional. And that is just here in the United States where freedom exists around every corner... Just because something is morally correct it doesn't mean that it is legal or vice versa.
Back to the original poll. The religious practices of a president really don't concern me as long as they remain outside of the oval office. While I don't have a problem with our president asking (insert your god here) for advice, I don't think that he should be basing this countries actions on his religious beliefs. And to say that only christian beliefs are moral or kind is completely absurd. Have you ever heard of the spanish inquistion, or abortion activists. Every religion/group of people throughout time has had its own violent sects. The Musslim, Buhdist, Jewish, Hindu, etc religions are inherintly no more violent than todays christianity