I have been using NO2 for 8 days now and so far it's working great. I am waiting til the 10th day so I can start loading creatine ontop of it. You can start to see effects by the 6th day and you'll notice that you do keep all your pumps from the gym. You take 8 pills a day, 4 pills 30 minutes before breakfast and 4 pills 30 minutes before lunch. That's if your under 200 lbs, if your over 200 lbs then you just substitute the 8 pills a day to 10 pills a day. 180 caplets per bottle by the way. I can't really give you all good results until I finish using it but so far it's working great, so I will say that the bulk is worth the buck. 79.99 a bottle but if you happen to be a GNC gold card member it's 63.99. I highly recommend it, thanks