Well i see it like this.. The medical Science have proven once and for all that our thoughts feelings and instincts all have a physichal origin in the brain in the form of neurons communicating with eachother. That means quiet simply that the idea of a soul is impossible. There is no such thing.
If we extend this reasoning, The verry reason for beliving in god is the belif in an afterlife. But since it is proven that there is no such thing as a soul there can be no afterlife.
Since the idea of an afterlife is impossible as well, the idea of a god is not really interesting, nor belivable.
Therefore i don't belive. Therefore i say this is the only life we got.. let's make as much as possible with it cause we don't get any second chance.
But as always, i want to belive.. I don't want it to end with death. i don't want the universe to be pointless.. but my reason and logic tells me once and for all that there is no such thing as a god therefore there is no point in beliving..
If there is an afterlife i will most surley be happily suprised. But untill then i stick with the idea of not wasting my life on unimportant things but instead make every breath of air count.