Originally posted by warrrreagl
It also depends on your field. If your major is education, a resume is called a curriculum vita, and can run up to 20 pages. EVERYTHING is listed in a c.v., and expansive detail is expected.
In my field, they want to know EVERY project you have ever worked on, who the client was, contact info, dollar value for the project, when it was, etc etc.
My resume is around 10 pages. In fact, I have different ones to appeal to different clients even.
No hard set rules other than be clear and concise and set in reverse chronological order.
If you are gettting out of school, list your education first, then your summer job experience working at McDonalds
If you have been working for a few years in your career, list your career experience first, then your education.
After 20 some odd years, the experience is what counts