Originally posted by Pacifier
but they should be able to find them now, don't you think?
Well, if Saddam had indeed destroyed them, or had moved them to another country, or had hidden them in the middle of the friggin' desert... then no, they shouldn't be able to find them. Ever.
unreasonable? we are talking about Saddam here, the crazy madman, remember?
True, but even madmen feel the need to control everything around them. Suppose Saddam had *not* documented the destruction of his WMDs, even though he had destroyed them... what the hell would be the purpose of such a move? He knew he would have to provide evidence, or else... it doesn't add up.
And actually it doesn't really matter what reasons he had, or if he had reasons at all - he was forced to provide evidence, and didn't do it. the UN had no reason to belief his claims, not after the many lies he had told them already. Without evidence, the UN had no option but to either continue inspection indefinately, or end the inspections and attack. Any other option would have meant that Saddam would get away with breaking UN resolutions. The security council would never have accepted that.
hmm, not really. this war was planned long before, today i read an article, according to Lt. Gen. Michael Moseley the US had dropped over 600 bombs before the war (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn...2003Jul19.html). So Saddam never had a chance to stop this war.
Hell, there were many attacks on Iraq over the past decade, all of which helped prepare for this war. It would have been foolish for the US *not* to prepare the way. This does not mean Saddam couldn't stop the war. Had he provided the forementioned evidence, he would have been safe and sound. The US would never have been able to attack.