Some aethetics may incite or provoke other deeper emotions within one's self, so they're not entirely superficial. Although i guess that is form vs function. With that, i'd think function is more important. Since form is merely nothing without function.
Although with a different intrepretation of the question...
For example, i'd rather have a bigger more practical drawer for my clothes, than a pretty little hard to operate drawer. The form vs function may cahnge though, with different circumstances. For example, women like wearing high heels to make themselves taller, confident or look better (maybe) although i can't imagine they're too comfortable.
an example of myself, i like having longer hair (i am a guy as well) and i guess that is merely form. You'd think shorter hair would be more practical, it doens't get in the way etc. Although on the contrary to that, some guys spend hours gelling up and styling up their short hair. All i do is wash mine
basically form vs function does not have a constant or universial answer and it'd change under different circumstances and your own physce.....
As long as you don't judge things on form instead of function (mainly to do with poeple etc inaminate and other objects are ok, i guess)