You'd be surprised what $500 will get you these days. Shop around, look for rebates, and you can make a full-fledged power house from scratch. No kiddin. For HL2, you'll prolly want a 9500 Pro, 512MB RAM, and a 2GHz CPU.
And you won't just need it for Half-Life 2. There's also Doom 3, Deus Ex 2, Thief 3, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Lineage 2, Soldner and several other beefy games coming in the next six months which would benefit greatly from that hardware. The next generation of visuals is really almost here. Jeez, I sound like a magazine. But it's true. The performance pendulum is swinging back to the games, as it did in the days of Quake III and Unreal.
"The idea that money doesn't buy you happiness is a lie put about by the rich, to stop the poor from killing them." -- Michael Caine